

The Dyslexia Department is committed to providing equitable access to the civil right of literacy so that every child reaches their full literacy potential to experience success in college, career, and life.



We provide students with the necessary skills, support, services, and accommodations by supporting campus interventionists, teachers, administrators, and families through training, coaching, and consultation.

Page 1 of Dyslexia Program Awareness Brochure
Page 2 Dyslexia Program Awareness Brochure
Dyslexia Fact Sheet in English
Dyslexia Fact Sheet in Spanish

Risk factors and signs of dyslexia: 

  • Family history of dyslexia or reading difficulty
  • Early language difficulties such as delayed speech or trouble pronouncing words
  • Difficulty identifying and manipulating individual sounds within words
  • Challenges learning letter names
  • Difficulty recalling the names of letters, numbers, and familiar objects
  • Avoidance of reading and writing tasks
  • Inaccurate or slow reading
  • Difficulty with note-taking and producing written work
  • Overuse of pictures to guess at words

Primary characteristics include difficulties: 

  • Learning the sounds letters make
  • Reading words in isolation or reading unknown words
  • Reading smoothly with enough speed and accuracy to comprehend
  • Spelling

Secondary characteristics may include difficulty: 

  • Expressing ideas or concepts in writing
  • Understanding what is read

Students with dyslexia may also present with additional difficulties and/or disorders, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), speech and
language disorders, and/or other academic needs. 

Risk factors and signs of dysgraphia:

  • Slow or labored written work
  • Poor formation of letters
  • Improper letter slant
  • Poor pencil grip
  • Inadequate pressure during handwriting (too hard or too soft)
  • Excessive erasures
  • Poor spacing between wordsPoor spacing inside words
  • Inability to recall orthographic patterns for words
  • “b” and “d” reversals beyond developmentally appropriate time
  • Inability to copy words accurately
  • Inability of student to read what was previously written
  • Overuse of short familiar words such as “big”
  • Avoidance of written tasks
  • Difficulty with visual-motor integrated sports or activities
  • Impaired or illegible handwriting that is unexpected for the student’s age/grade?
  • Impaired handwriting that interferes with spelling, written expression, or both that is unexpected for the student’s age/grade?
Information on Testing and Identification of Characteristics of Dyslexia and Related Disorders

If you suspect your child has dyslexia, contact your campus principal to request a meeting to review your child’s literacy progress. You may also request a special education evaluation. If your child is already receiving special education services, contact your child’s case manager or principal to request an evaluation for dyslexia. Also, review new guidance for families from the Texas Education Agency (TEA):

Per Texas Education Code (TEC), §38.003, all kindergarten and first-grade students in GISD are screened for dyslexia and related disorders. Kindergarten students are screened at the end of the school year and first-grade students are screened before January 31st. GISD uses MCLASS to meet the requirements of (TEC), §38.003, K/1 Dyslexia Screening. Screening results are shared with families. At this time, no instrument is available for screening for dysgraphia, nor is formal screening required.

To meet federal and state requirements, GISD provides timely evaluation and identification of students with dyslexia. Professionals conducting assessments (e.g. educational diagnosticians) to identify dyslexia look beyond scores on standardized assessments alone and examine the student’s classroom reading performance, educational history, and early language experiences as part of a comprehensive evaluation. Anytime your child’s school suspects a student has dyslexia or dysgraphia and needs services, the school must ask for parental consent to conduct a Full Individual Initial Evaluation (FIIE) through special education. Evaluations through the special education process ensure that students eligible for special education services are identified and provided the support they need. Students are not evaluated without parental consent.

In accordance with 19 TAC §74.28(c), Groveton ISD has purchased and implemented an evidence-based program of intervention for students with dyslexia and related disorders to be implemented by a trained teacher in dyslexia:


GISD uses the Standard Protocol Dyslexia Instruction Reading By Design.
The program is delivered using the following practices:

  • Simultaneous, multisensory (VAKT – Visual, Auditory, Kinetic, Tactile)\
  • Systematic and cumulative
  • Explicit instruction
  • Diagnostic teaching to automaticity
  • Synthetic instruction (present the parts of language, then teach how the parts work together to form a whole)
  • Analytic instruction (present the whole and teaches how it can be broken into the component parts.)


Special education teachers, dyslexia interventionists, and classroom teachers may provide dyslexia intervention.

In order to provide effective intervention, GISD employs highly trained individuals to deliver dyslexia instruction. Teachers who provide dyslexia intervention for students are not required to hold a specific license or certification. However, these educators must at a minimum have additional documented dyslexia training aligned to 19 TAC §74.28(c) and must deliver the instruction with fidelity.

Students with dyslexia may benefit from accommodations, assistive and instructional technology, and services as documented through a child’s Special Education or Section 504 plan.

Accommodations are not a one-size-fits-all; rather the impact of dyslexia on each individual student determines the necessary accommodation(s).

Examples of classroom accommodations:

  • copies of notes (teacher or peer provided)
  • note-taking assistance
  • additional time on class assignments
  • reduced/shortened assignments (e.g. chunking assignments into manageable units, fewer items given on a test or homework without eliminating concepts, or a student planner to assist with assignments)
  • alternate test location that provides a quiet environment and reduces distractions
  • priority seating
  • oral reading of directions or written material
  • word banks
  • audiobooks
  • text to speech
  • speech to text
  • electronic spellers
  • electronic dictionaries
  • formula charts
  • adaptive learning tools and features in software programs

Talking Book Program, Bookshare and Learning Ally provide electronic access to digitally recorded materials for students with print disabilities.




Not all accommodations used in the classroom are allowed during a state assessment. For more information, visit:


The Texas Dyslexia Handbook is developed and adopted into administrative rule by the Texas State Board of Education. The handbook contains guidelines for school districts to follow as they identify and provide services for students with dyslexia. In addition, information regarding the state's dyslexia statutes and their relation to various federal laws is included. The updated Texas Dyslexia Handbook, linked below, is in effect as of February 10th, 2022.

    Should you have any questions regarding eligibility, evaluation requests, and services available under IDEA and the Rehabilitation Act, Section 504, or information on the response to the intervention process, please do not hesitate to contact the campus principal of your child’s school: 936-642-1473


    Below are links to other resources that may be helpful to you:


    Information about IDEA:

    Information about Section 504:

    Information about Response to Intervention:


    Talking Book Program (TBP) - Senate Bill 2075 was passed by the 86th Legislature requiring school districts to notify the parents or guardians of students who have or are at risk to have dyslexia or other reading difficulties of the Talking Book Program (TBP) maintained by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. The TBP offers audiobooks at no cost. For more information, contact the TBP at 1-800-252-9605 or 512-463-5458 or visit their website.  https://www.tsl.texas.gov/tbp/index.html
    Learning Ally offers more than 75,000 digitally recorded audiobooks (including both textbooks and literary titles) in English and Spanish and is available to eligible students. Contact your child’s campus principal to learn more.
    Bookshare - Bookshare makes reading easier. People with dyslexia, blindness, cerebral palsy, and other reading barriers can customize their experience to suit their learning style and find virtually any book they need for school, work, or the joy of reading.

    Regional and Local Contacts for more information about Dyslexia or related disorders:
    ESC6 Dyslexia Contact
    see Dyslexia and Related Disorders
    Groveton ISD Contact:
    Susan Kitchens